Photography and Mixed Media

Butterflies (white charcoal and pencil over photograph)

This piece was done for a series on the endangered and extinct animals, depicting their ghosts and the relationships with other organisms that are left behind. This piece depicts Monarch butterflies.

Lone wolf (white charcoal and pencil over photograph)

This piece was done for a series on the endangered and extinct animals, depicting their ghosts and the presence of humans which may have contributed to their extinction. This piece depicts the subspecies Canis lupus nubilus, known by the common name Great Plains wolf.

Beached whale, shores of Maine (white charcoal and pencil over photograph)

This piece was done for a series on the endangered and extinct animals, depicting the grim future for many animals in what scientists are calling Earth’s sixth mass extinction event. This piece depicts the North Atlantic Right Whale on a beach in Maine.

Blue dragonfly

California Lizard

Monarch butterflies

Honeybees in the garden

Giant Sphynx Moth